Sunday, January 17, 2010

Step 2: Plans for Renovations

In order for everything to work in our house, there are some renovation that need to be done. First and foremost, the dining room needs to be turned into an office/meeting space for my business. So here are some "before" pics of what we are staring out with:

(disclaimer: ignore the "special" decor will most certainly be gone ASAP!)

Dining room door way:
Currently, you have to go through the dining room to get to the kitchen. This is a little inconvenient for the office, so we will be making this one doorway into two. One door-sized opening will be on the left side to enter the kitchen via a bump-out into the office. Then a larger doorway will be on the left and lead exclusively to the office.

Also, the door on the left is currently a deep closet. It will be turned into a built-in bookcase, because the closet space will be used for the kitchen (more explanation below).

Living Room:
No real changes necessary here. (minus ugly decor removal).

Dining Room/ Soon-to-be-Office:
Like I said this will be a space for us to work and for me to meet clients. It will NOT be red, but a nice gray, as you need a neutral color to work on images in Photoshop.

Nothing huge going on in here. New lighting, sink and medicine cabinet eventually, not right away. (And yes, that is a LEOPARD PRINT shower curtain and chandelier...not staying.)

No changes necessary in here. We'll just get a wardrobe eventually, to fit more of our clothes.

BIG changes in here. Remember I said the closet in the living room would be giving up space to the kitchen? Well, the closet is behind the wall on the left. We will cut an opening in that wall and put the refrigerator there. That will leave room for a table and chairs where the refrigerator currently is. What you can't see is the narrowness of the kitchen. We will cut out the walls separating the kitchen from the basement stairwell (leaving half-walls). This will give the kitchen a much more open feel, and let more light in.

Eventually we hope to do a small addition to the back of the kitchen for a glassed-in eating area.

Not much needed here!

So those are our plans. The basement with be used for laundry, storage and Lego space :) Oh, and did I mention we hope to get the entire dining room/kitchen entry area finished and painted in the 12 days in between closing on the house and our final day at our apartment?! Yeah...crazy :)

Step 1: We Bought a House!!!

So, this is our new house! After looking at houses for the past few months (and dreaming about new houses for the past year), we settled on our small 1920's cottage-style house in Kirkwood. We close on the house Feb. 18. It is so cute and it has lots of character...and, with a few renovations, it will suit us very nicely!

A few nice features:

- fenced in yard with nice patio
- hardwood floors
- newer kitchen
- nice basement for lots of storage
- a couple stained-glass windows!
- a cute rounded front door!

Interior "before" pictures to come soon.